Look for JT 610 Lion Air Victims, Boeing Requested to Help

LensaAktual. A team of lawyers for victims of the Kabateck LLP Lion Air JT 610 airplane accident announced they had asked The Boeing Co., the manufacturer of a Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft, to help the Indonesian side find the remains of the victims which have not been found. Until the search process was stopped, as many as 64 bodies of victims of the Lion Air JT 610 tragedy had not been found.

The families of the victims have also asked the government to carry out further searches. At the same time, Kabateck has also sent a request to Boeing to safeguard all important evidence relating to the aircraft and accidents (preservation notice). Lawyers representing the families of victims of the Lion Air tragedy sued Boeing for wrongful death. This lawsuit was filed in Cook County, Illinois, the location of Boeing's headquarters.

"Boeing has a legal obligation to collect all possible evidence at the scene of an accident, but we believe they also have a greater moral obligation to find the bodies of victims who lost their lives due to the tragic accident," said Kabateck LLP founder Brian S Kabateck in his statement Monday.

"Boeing has been willing to spend some money to find a plane that crashed, they should also be willing to spend a little money to help find victims," ​​Kabateck said. In the US, the plaintiff's legal team consisted of Brian S Kabateck, Christopher Noyes, Shant Karnikian and Brian Hong from Kabateck LLP.

 They collaborated with Steven Hart and John Marrese from Chicago, Hart, McLaughlin & Eldridge and Sanjiv Singh from the law firm from San Mateo, CA, SNS PLC. Not only that, the Kabateck team also cooperated with the Kailimang & Ponto Advocate Office in Indonesia to ensure that the entire family of the victims received legal protection and received insurance payments in accordance with the law in the country, even though the claim process in the United States was underway.

Co-Counsel, Steven Hart who works at Hart, McLaughlin & Eldridge insists they will continue to fight with the victims who give their power to get their rights. Similar affirmation was also conveyed by Sanjiv Singh from a law firm from San Mateo, CA, SNS PLC. "Boeing can actually easily provide assistance to find the bodies of victims of the Lion Air JT 610 accident. Even though it is not yet seen to be done, we will continue to ask them to be responsible," concluded Sanjiv.
Tim pengacara para korban kecelakaan pesawat Lion Air JT 610 yang dipimpin Kabateck LLP mengumumkan mereka telah meminta The Boeing Co, produsen pesawat Boeing 737 MAX 8, membantu pihak Indonesia menemukan jasad korban yang hingga saat ini belum ditemukan. Sampai proses pencarian dihentikan, sebanyak 64 jasad korban tragedi Lion Air JT 610 belum ditemukan. Keluarga para korban juga telah meminta pemerintah melakukan pencarian lanjutan. Di saat yang sama, Kabateck juga telah mengirimkan permintaan kepada Boeing untuk menjaga seluruh bukti-bukti penting terkait pesawat dan kecelakaan (preservation notice). Para pengacara yang mewakili para keluarga korban tragedi Lion Air menggugat Boeing atas kelalaian yang mengakibatkan kematian (wrongful death). Gugatan ini diajukan di Cook County, Illionis, lokasi kantor pusat Boeing.

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "Boeing Diminta Ikut Bantu Cari Korban Lion Air JT 610", https://ekonomi.kompas.com/read/2018/12/18/132905826/boeing-diminta-ikut-bantu-cari-korban-lion-air-jt-610.
Penulis : Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan
Editor : Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan


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