Electability of Jokowi Disumatera Participates in Decline Because Rubber and Palm Commodity Prices Decline

IdNasional. Presidential candidate number 01 Joko Widodo said his electability on the island of Sumatra tended to fall, albeit slightly.
"Why in Sumatra (electability) do we go down? Including in Jambi, in Riau, yes, even a little," Jokowi said when giving a briefing to the Jambi Province Regional Campaign Team on Sunday.

"The problem is that commodity prices have dropped. The price of palm oil has dropped, rubber prices have dropped, and the price of coconuts is too," he continued.
This condition causes farmers of oil palm, rubber and coconut to blame the government. Jokowi emphasized that the commodity prices could not be intervened by the state. Commodity prices are part of the price mechanism regulated by the global market.

"The government, we cannot influence global prices. Yes, because it is a market mechanism," Jokowi said.

Palm prices for example. Jokowi explained that the European Union had banned Indonesian palm oil commodities. This is because the European Union is developing oil from sunflowers as a substitute for palm oil.

"To protect their business, our oil palm is blocked. So, this is their business," Jokowi said.

The government is actually trying to protect palm oil prices in the country, one of which is by lobbying China to import more Indonesian palm oil as much as 500,000 tons. However, it seems that the policy does not have much effect on improving world palm oil prices.

Jokowi explained, the first problem was the huge domestic palm oil production. The amount of oil palm land in Indonesia is 13 million hectares, with a production of 42 million tons per year.

The second problem is that Indonesia has not had a palm oil downstream industry. So far, Indonesia exports only CPO, not its processed products. "So, there are global economic problems, all of them get hit. Prices go down, oil palm, everything hurts," Jokowi said.

Jokowi said, the only way for oil palm and rubber farmers to be able to prosper again is by building downstream. Palm oil commodities can be a mixture of oil fuels, namely B20. Meanwhile, rubber commodities can also be processed into asphalt mixes.

"We have just prepared B20 so that all palm oil commodities can be absorbed by the domestic market, biodiesel. But, indeed this requires time. If B20 is on the road, I am sure we can arrange prices," Jokowi said.

In addition, other solutions that can be implemented by farmers are replacing palm oil commodities with other commodities that have more prospects in the future. Mangosteen is one of them.


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